August Farm Blog: Our field of dreams.
“What if?” is becoming “How to?”
August has been hot. Well, it is the Arkansas Delta!
There was a welcome break in the record heat wave this past week when UADA-Extension Family and Consumer Science agents went into soybean fields in Northeast Arkansas to learn more about food-grade soybeans.
August field work for UADA-Extension nutrition educators.
Hand-crossing in the field, examining a range of soy varieties, and exploring the nutritional benefits of soy on the American plate were all on the agenda during a field day on August 20th for UADA-Extension Soy Chef® team members.
Soy Chef® Changemaker Grants were awarded this summer to Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Science and Nutrition specialists and agents at the University of Missouri and the University of Arkansas System, Division of Agriculture through a partnership with B & B Legacy Farms and the Mid-South Soybean Board.
University of Arkansas and Missouri state faculty and agents hit the ground running, evaluating consumer acceptance, and expanding state-wide awareness and knowledge about the value of regionally produced whole and minimally processed soy food.
BBQ Soybeans were on Missouri plates this summer!
Summer food just got better.
Research results: Three teenage boys came back asking for a third “sample” of the BBQ soybeans. : - )
Whole soy food taste tests were provided for attendees at the August 2nd-3rd Norborne (Missouri) Soybean Festival this month. With over 1500 participants, lots of roasted soy nuts were sampled for the first time, along with BBQ Soybeans and Beef and Edamame stir fry. Educational food demonstrations were presented by Missouri Extension team members with tasting of each dish. Cajun Soybeans and Rice also made its debut at the Missouri State Fair this month in a soybean cookoff, with multiple requests for the recipe following the competition.
The big question of the day was; “Where can I buy vegetable soybeans?”
As schools start around the country, USDA officials continue to educate stakeholders about the value of whole and minimally processed soy in a nutritious diet. USDA’s recently released “Customizing the Dietary Guidelines Framework” prominently includes whole soy foods within the vegetable, dairy, and protein food groups.
There is growing interest across our country in a finding a nutritional path to better health for our children and families through expanded plant-based food options. Change, like farming, takes a little time.
Harvest is just getting started in our area this month. Soybeans are filling out their pods. Rice fields are mature and being drained and cut.
The cool day in the soybean fields last week gave us a brief glimpse of fall. Something else to look forward to.
There is always something beautiful in the fields.
August soybeans.
The rice is showing out!
Volunteer spider lilies on the edge of a Jackson County field.