February Farm Blog: How do they know?
It’s like they know the hunting season is over.
The deer are making daytime appearances again, accompanied by their friends.
Hey, wait for me!
Haven’t seen much of the deer these last few months except on game cameras in the dark of night. But now they are making appearances! How do they know when deer season has ended?
February provided us with a wintry blast followed by a string of unseasonable warm days.
On the farm this means we get to play in the dirt a little early!
The daffodils sprang into action this last week giving us our first peek of spring.
Did anyone tell the geese it is time to move on?
The Farmer’s Almanac reports that the actual Spring Equinox (the official start of the spring season) will arrive on March 19, 2024, at 10:06 p.m. CST. You may have noticed that the time between sunrise and sunset has been growing longer each day since the winter solstice in December. Is it just me or is the sun also brighter as it rises in the sky each day?
In addition to the sun, a bright spot in February was this sweet gift created by a treasured friend.
Years ago, Liz taught me how to cook for large groups, a true gift in preparation for B & B’s soy food research and education with consumers. Thanks Liz!
The 2024 garden season is just around the corner.
I have so many great memories of working in our vegetable garden with my dad. We didn’t know about edamame back then.
In recent years I have added edamame to our family garden. Edamame is a beautiful plant that loves the hot sun. B & B‘s edamame seed was actually developed for our regional climate.
What a deal to be able to grow your own protein in the form of this green vegetable. What’s not to love?
A week ago, my friend Lesa discovered that frozen edamame also works well as an ice pack (following foot surgery). : - )
Lesa was nursed back to health with Soy Stroganoff, the February Recipe of the Month.
This is what friends are for!
Looking forward to warmer days ahead!
Pictures from the county are provided below.
What a difference a day makes in February.
These are optimistic plants!
Whatever the season, a Delta sunset doesn’t disappoint.