Getting ready for spring. Wait! Here comes the snow!
Arkansas Seasons are not so clear-cut and predictable.
Waiting for spring during early March . . .
Looks like it’s still winter.
Celebrating the Arkansas soy seasons!
Source: USB
Winter Snow. March 11, 2022.
Silos in snow. Beedeville, AR. 3/12/22
Life on a farm is always changing.
Change is required for renewal and growth. The power, beauty and even harshness of nature is a great lesson in perspective. It is also humbling.
There is a circle of life.
This lesson is undeniable on a farm.
Here’s to waiting for a power greater than ourselves to decide on the beginning of spring.
Waiting is an action verb. It is an art form for farmers. This is the time of season that everyone is waiting to get into the fields.
Providing the safest food for the world is something US farmers take to heart. Sometimes the best things in life are worth waiting for.
Lots of great things are ahead in 2022, including our daughter’s wedding. Seems like she was just a baby!
Spent some quality time this past week working with other soy farmers; planning a path to make regionally grown, whole soy foods accessible to everyone. So blessed to have community partners, exploring new possibilities on the horizon across the Delta.
Keeping the faith that spring is just around the corner for us all!