June Farm Blog: Summer Heat and Blossoming Beauty
2024 soybeans are up in Beedeville!
June blew in with lots of stormy skies and beneficial rain for farmers who got seeds in the ground.
The rain has passed for now, the rice is up, mosquitos are on the prowl, and wheat has been harvested this month.
No doubt it is late June!
The summer heat has arrived across the country and the week-end weather predictions include the hotest days on record this year.
As the temperature spikes the National Weather Service advises neighbors to check on one another.
We all fear tornados and winter sleet and snow events, but heat is actually the number one weather-related threat to our health and safety.
Heat kills more people in the U.S. each year than any other type of weather.
Growing food for the world is not for the faint of heart.
Be safe out there. Drink lots of water, avoid prolonged work outside during the hottest parts of the day, and pay attention to yourself and others.
In the midst of the June hustle and bustle to get crops in, wild flowers flourished in the warm and wet conditions.
Unlike the manicured lawns of the city, yards in the country are covered in clover right now, teeming with bees and other wildlife that are enjoying God’s Garden.
White Clover Trifolium repens is also known as Dutch White, New Zealand White, and Ladino. It is an excellent cover crop, replenishes the soil, and provides critical food to pollinators, including the Brown-Belted Bumblebee and the Western Honey Bee who were guests on our farm last week.
This was a good month for the bees!
They also enjoyed the June wildflowers. I’m sharing some photos below so you can enjoy them as well.
June 2024 views from the country.
My favorite wildflower sightings this month included a Black-Eyed Susan, Woodland Sunflowers, and the American Beautyberry.
Black-eyed Susan
American Beautyberry
Woodland Sunflowers