July Recipe of the Month: Lynn’s BEST Trail Mix
Trail mix is always in season!
Some snack foods are good for you. Who knew?
July’s guest recipe is from my friend Lynn. We all have friends who are famous for a special recipe they prepare and graciously share with the rest of us.
I don’t really know how long it stays fresh because it never lasts very long at our house!
Why is it the best?
It is a smart snack. According to Healthline, “A one-ounce (28-gram) serving of trail mix provides almost 4 grams of protein, which makes it a filling snack that may promote blood sugar control in people with diabetes. Trail mix also provides some healthy fats and fiber from the nuts and seeds, which have been shown to help reduce blood sugar and insulin levels.”
Lynn’s Best Trail Mix contains dry roasted edamame and yellow soybeans, nuts, seeds, and dried fruit. It is a good source of vitamins and minerals, including B6 and magnesium that help prevent inflammation, along with iron, and fiber.
Now that B & B Roasted soybeans are available, you can make it at home.
You can also roast your own whole soybeans using our family recipe below.
Either way, Lynn’s Best Trail Mix is a great option for a smart, delicious snack.
Lynn’s BEST Trail Mix
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 18 from 4 ½ cups of final product.
Serving Size = ¼ cup (which is 28 grams/1 ounce)
INGREDIENTS: You get to have a say in this!
Do you want a salty or sweet snack, or a combination of both?
1 10-ounce can of mixed nuts. Honey roasted is my favorite.
½ cup of the following:
Roasted edamame
Roasted yellow soybeans
Dried cranberries and/or Raisins
Sunflower seeds
Pepitas (Roasted & salted pumpkin seed kernels)
Roasted and salted green peas
Chocolate chips (optional)
Directions: It doesn’t get much easier than this!
Step 1: How easy is this?
Mix ingredients in a large bowl and serve. : - )
Store in an airtight container.
Grab-and-Go Suggestion. Make your own individual serving packets for snacks on-the-go. This will save you time and money when compared to purchasing snacks at the store. (Have you seen the price of snacks recently?!?)
Nutrition Facts: Home-made trail mix is the gold standard, without unnecessary sugar and salt.
Lynn’s Best Trail Mix is the best because of the roasted soybeans.
The inclusion of high-protein, high-fiber, dry-roasted soybeans increases the overall nutritional value of this year-round snack option.