June Recipe of the Month: Roasted Soybeans
This sweet roasted soybean is an amazing high-protein, high-fiber, nutrient-rich snack.
Make this economical and nutritious treat at home with our recipe!
I received lots of requests for a roasted soybean recipe while participating in the 2022 Arkansas Extension Homemakers state conference in early June.
The best home-roasting method, hands-down, is with an air fryer!
I have roasted soybeans many times over the last several years, but went back to test several soy varieties and several roasting methods before I created a recipe to share with you.
A common roasting method is in the oven, but roasted soybeans prepared this way tend to be chewy.
My testers much preferred the air-fryer recipe below.
You deserve the best!
I tested 12 different recipes before I created the one below. ENJOY!
Roasted Soybeans
Prep Time: Overnight soak. Let air dry for 2-4 hours the next day.
Cook Time: 8-10 minutes per batch.
Serves: 6 (three cups)
1 cup of dry soybeans
1 Tablespoon of baking soda
½ - 1 teaspoon of salt
Seasoning of your choice. I like garlic and herbs and Cajun seasoning. If your seasoning includes salt, reduce any added salt. Use the spices you like best!
Pam for air fryer basket and prior to adding seasoning (optional)
Getting Ready:
Rinse soybeans in a colander prior to soaking. Pick out any undesirable beans.
Mix soda in 6-8 cups of cold water, add soybeans and soak in a covered bowl or pot for 8-12 hours in a cool place. I put the beans on to soak overnight if I am roasting them in the morning.
STEP 1: A little more time that means a lot
Strain and rinse the soaked soybeans with fresh water. Let drain in a strainer for 5 minutes.
Spread the soaked beans on a clean towel and spread into a single layer. Blot with paper towel to remove surface moisture.
Let air dry for 2-4 hours.
Soybean varieties can vary greatly in taste and size. Cooking time will vary as well. Take note of this.
Can you see the difference between the size and colors of the three varieties I tested?
STEP 2: Use your taste buds to guide you!
Place air-dried beans in a bowl.
Lightly spray with Pam olive oil or vegetable spray (optional). You can also spritz with a little water. This step helps the spices stick to the beans.
Add salt and spices of your choice and blend with a spoon.
STEP 3: This is the quick part! Let the roasting begin!
Spray Pam on Airfryer basket.
Preheat Airfryer to 390 degrees F for 5 minutes.
Place about a cup of beans in the heated Airfryer basket, spreading carefully into a single layer using a spatula (be careful not to burn yourself!). Do not overcrowd the beans by putting too many in at a time.
Roast for 4 minutes and shake the basket and return to heat. Use a spatula to spread them out after this first shake.
After about 7-8 minutes remove a couple of beans to test for desired texture and taste. Smaller beans like Soylicious™ yellow soybeans are usually ready at this time.
NOTE: the smaller Soylicious™ soybeans will fall through the standard size basket of an Airfryer. Not to worry. They still toast better than in the oven. Just keep shaking the basket every 2 minutes until done.
Larger beans like Southern Soy™ take approximately 10-minutes for their total roasting time.
Roasting time is a personal choice, so use these times as general guidelines.
Let roasted soybeans cool and store in an air-tight container.
And let the healthy munching begin!
Check out the nutritional profile for a ½ cup serving of roasted soybeans.
This nutrient-dense snack provides 14.3 grams of protein, calcium, and 25% of the recommended daily iron for an adult!